
Florida “No-Refusal” DUI Checkpoints Video

Florida Statutes 316.1933 and 316.1932 allow blood draws to be used only in a limited number of scenarios: either there has been serious bodily injury, a fatality, or the person from whom blood is to be drawn appears in a medical facility for treatment and a breath test is impractical. William Moore, a DUI Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale explains.

Blood tests are not allowed under Florida Statutes absent bodily injury. However, this is under warrantless search scenarios. Having an actual judge in the field with DUI officers allows for an immediate and possible rubber stamped search warrant.

Florida “No-Refusal” DUI Checkpoints are suppressing in that checkpoints are so controversial. Many States have agreed and do not use them.

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William Moore saves the day once again... I can’t thank him enough for helping me get my life back on track...You’ll be glad he’s on your defense team, I guarantee it. Eric Bailey
William is an amazing lawyer on the first day he took my case from a felony to a misdemeanor. He always answered my calls and text messages, never a problem. He was always the one in court not sending someone else, unlike my last lawyer. 10/10 would recommend. If I ever have any other problems, he will be the first person I call. Shane B.
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