
New Cyberstalking Laws in Florida

In Florida, the cyberstalking laws have been formulated under the aegis of traditional stalking statutes. Under this law, stalking refers to repeated threatening or harassing behavior that causes emotional distress, discomfort, pain, or fear in the person being subjected to such behavior. The standard restraining order has also been expanded to restrict this type of unwanted behavior, cyberstalking refers to the above-mentioned acts committed using the Internet or any other electronic medium of communication.

Things that you don’t know about Restraining Orders

We see a lot of cases where a business owner is being maliciously defamed online by someone who has a personal vendetta against them.

Cyberstalking Laws: Instances for Building a Case

The growth of the world wide web and the ability to reach anyone faster and farther has undoubtedly had a positive effect on the world today. However, there has also been a huge negative impact on individuals lives which is why there was a call to action on cyberstalking laws. The instances of cyber-stalking may include, amongst others, sending emails that contain threats, comments that are harassing or manipulative, and/or lewd remarks; hacking online accounts of the victim like his email or banking accounts and changing the settings of or misusing these; impersonating the victim on social media by creating fake accounts or trying to establish contact with the latter with fake profiles; and posting personal and confidential information about the victim on public forums and message boards. Apart from being emotionally disturbing, these acts can have damaging consequences, especially with regard to younger individuals.

By William Moore

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William Moore saves the day once again... I can’t thank him enough for helping me get my life back on track...You’ll be glad he’s on your defense team, I guarantee it. Eric Bailey
William is an amazing lawyer on the first day he took my case from a felony to a misdemeanor. He always answered my calls and text messages, never a problem. He was always the one in court not sending someone else, unlike my last lawyer. 10/10 would recommend. If I ever have any other problems, he will be the first person I call. Shane B.
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